Zoya Review: Professional Lacquer and PixieDust

Zoya Madeline Nail Laquer and Noir PixieDust copy

Zoya Professional Lacquer in Madeline (left) and PixieDust in Noir (right)

I picked up a few new nail polishes over the weekend and while shopping, I made the decision to try a new brand. After researching nail polish ingredients, and brand practices, a few weeks ago– Zoya came across as a standout, and the colors I found in stock at Ulta were gorgeous. After trying the polish out this week, it is fair to say that Zoya has blown me away!

I have yet to see any chipping five days in. However, the formula for the Professional Lacquer was thick and more difficult to work with than other polishes I’ve used. I can forgive Zoya for that, as the two coats I applied dried smooth and glossy. Honestly, the results are absolutely worth the small amount of difficulty I had during application.

The PixieDust is truly beautiful. Without a topcoat, it is like sparkly 3-D art. However, I don’t like having an uneven texture to my nails so after applying a topcoat, my nails lost that multidimensional appearance. To be honest, I was expecting it and am still pleased with the shine and color, and I will definitely be looking for new PixieDust colors to add to my collection.

Overall, I will be growing my Zoya collection period and am happy to have given the brand a try. If you have any color recommendations, be sure to let me know in the comments!

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